Defi Din-Gauge

We have a brand new Defi DIN-Gauge in stock. This is a DIN sized triple meter for providing information on a pressure and 2 kinds of temperatures. DIN-Gauge can be neatly installed in a DIN sized vacant space in your vehicle.

The three guages are fitted into one DIN size with flat face glass on the front cover. The meters are angled towards the driver for a higher level of visibility.

The product features stepping motor which provides maximum angle of 270 degrees and are controlled by the microcomputer up to 4,600 divisions (0.057degrees) to provide high precision in the accuracy of information generated.

It has bright transparent green gauge dials and red instrument needle pointers to increase visibility at night. The lights are produced from super high bright LED lamps.

All sensors are included to fit this into your vehicle. Email us at for pricing and delivery.


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